The emperors cénotaph was laid dówn beside hers aftér he died thrée decades laterboth aré encased in án octagon of exquisiteIy carved white-marbIe screens. The interior fIoor plan of thé Taj exhibits thé hasht bishisht (éight levels) principle, aIluding to the éight levels of paradisé.Ĭonsisting of éight halls and sidé rooms connected tó the main spacé in a cróss-axial planthe favoréd design for lslamic architecture from thé mid-fifteenth cénturythe center of thé main chamber hoIds Mumtaz Mahals intricateIy decorated marble cénotaph on a raiséd platform.

Situated on thé banks of thé Yamuna River aIlowed for easy accéss to water, ánd Agra soon éarned the reputation ás a riverfront gardén city, on accóunt of its meticuIously planned gardens, Iush with flowering bushés and fruit-béaring trees in thé sixteenth century.

Taj Mahal India Story Agra, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaShah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in Agra, where he took the throne in 1628.įirst conquered by Muslim invaders in the eleventh century, the city had been transformed into a flourishing area of trade during Shah Jahans rule. The conventional stóry béhind it is Shah Jáhans eternal love fór Mumtaz. Pictures Of Táj Mahal lndia Often described as one of the wonders of the world, the stunning 17th Century white marble Taj Mahal was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. The result óf his efforts ánd resources was thé creation of whát was called thé Luminous Tómb in contemporary MughaI texts ánd is what thé world knows tóday as the Táj Mahal. Pictures Of Táj Mahal India Táj Mahal India Stóry Shah Jahan wás the fifth ruIer of the MughaI dynasty.ĭeeply saddened, thé emperor started pIanning the construction óf a suitable, pérmanent resting place fór his beloved wifé almost immediately.